Need Some Xbox Help
Hey Sup Guys. My Xbox Broke down somehow, went to play it yesterday and it just didnt work, and the driver didnt pop out, so i cant even get the game out. So im looking to buy a new driver, i think its like 50 dollers or w.e
Or Just find a whole new Xbox
If someone Could Find Me an Xbox for like maybe 120-140$
But, it has to come with Halo 2, like thos packages things. Thanks, or ill just buy a whole new driver and take a gamble [it might just be the whole xbox thats broke].
Any help is appreciated
try to stay on topic
THx, iam already going to answer this question because i know its gonna be asked . Iam not going to buy an xbox 360 because A] Probably Not In The stores or sold out B] Its a waste of money because iam happy with my xbox, Ps2 and DS. C] Well there is no C but w,e
Thanks Guys!